Google Ads Budget Calculator

Estimate cost per click
If you're not sure what to estimate per click, try use Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest to get ballpark ideas.
Daily Number Of Leads Needed
Estimated Conversion Rate (%)
Unless you've been running ads before with proper conversion tracking this is a real thumb suck. Some industries 2% can be great, and in others 15% is too low. You'll get a better idea of your actual conversion rate after a few weeks.
Average Profit per Sale
Number of recommended daily clicks
(Daily Number of Leads ÷ Conv. Rate)
Proposed Daily Budget
(Number of Clicks x Cost Per Click)
Proposed Monthly Budget
(Daily budget x 30.4 days)
Estimated Monthly Sales Revenue
(Monthly Conversions x Profit per Sale)
Estimated Monthly Gross Profit
(Monthly Revenue - Monthly Ad Spend)
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
(Revenue ÷ Ad Spend)
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