The 5 building blocks for online marketing success

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Many business owners contact us with a very specific service in mind. They might call us up and believe they need SEO. Or Facebook ads. Or a website overhaul.

After our initial conversation, it is usually clear that the client sees this service as a silver bullet.

Let’s be clear. There are no silver bullets. Not in life, and not in online marketing.

Consider someone wanting to lose weight. Weight loss is pretty simple (not easy, but simple).

No magic pill. Or weird injection. Or a concoction made up of Kombucha, ginger and unicorn hair.

Rather than chasing silver bullets, or fad diets, just stick with the basics.

Eat less. Exercise more. Drink plenty of water.

Pretty simple right?

So, in much the same way, online marketing can be broken down into basics.

Yes, there are no shortage of buzzwords or acronyms in online marketing.

WWW. SEO. HTML. CSS. GMB. And the list goes on. And on.

As a business owner, you can safely ignore these.

We have broken down online marketing into 5 basic building blocks.


  • It is our belief that every businesses should have all of these elements in place.
  • Your business is different to the next business, so you will implement these building blocks in a different order to the next business.
  • For each of our clients, we create a Growth Map that details what order the Building Blocks will be created. When we build your website, the Growth Map is included at no charge (learn more about Growth Mapping here).
  • We don’t offer all of these service, but we can introduce you to our network of preferred partners.

Building Block 1: A Website with a Clear Message (StoryBrand)

For all businesses, it starts with a website that has a clear message. We help businesses like yours to create this compelling message by using the StoryBrand framework (learn more here and here).

See your website as the engine. You want an engine that is strong enough and fast enough to beat the competitors.

But an engine without fuel, won’t go anywhere.

In this example, traffic is the the fuel. The other Building Blocks are all ways of getting traffic to your website.

Building Block 2: Retargeting

The sad reality of websites is that most website visitors will browse your website, and leave without contacting you. This can often be true for as much as 90% of your website visitors.

If your website was a physical shop, this would be like potential customers walking into your shop, checking out your products, looking at prices, but then walking out the door without buying.

In the real world, you have lost the opportunity.

In the online world, we can harness the power of retargeting.

What is retargeting?

Remember that pair of orange tekkies you checked out on Takealot, and now those tekkies are following you around on the interwebs?

You’ve been retargeted.

Imagine how powerful this can be for your business. Showing your product/service again and again to someone that has already shown interest.

The best bit about retargeting…

It is one of the cheapest paid advertising methods.

Building Block 3: Email Marketing Automation

Every business on this planet must have an email database.

In this email database there should be:

  • current clients
  • past clients
  • potential clients (those who have emailed you about your product/service, but haven’t bought from you yet)

Considering a new service?

Send out an email to existing clients with a survey, and hear from them if they would be interested in. Market research sorted.

Launching a new product?

Send out an email to your entire email database. Make a few quick sales.

Need to educate potential clients why they should choose you over the competition?

Send them an email sequence that explains how your product will change their lives.

Want to find out how happy/unhappy current clients are?

Pop them an email with a few quick questions to see how they feel about your product/service.

Email Marketing Stats

  • Email marketing (when done right, of course) gives the highest ROI of any online marketing methods
  • 40x more effective than social media for acquiring new customers
  • Average order value is 3x higher than social media orders
  • Average ROI for email is $38 to every $1 spent

Building Block 4: Social Media Marketing

Facebook. Instagram. LinkedIn. Tik Tok. Some of these might work for your business. Some of them will be a complete waste of time.

We break it down for you so you don’t waste money on the wrong platform.

Building Block 5: Search Engine Marketing

Google is an incredibly powerful means to promote your business. As part of search engine marketing (SEM), the following channels are available:

  • Google Ads
    • Also known as Pay Per Click
  • Google My Business (GMB)
  • Search Engine Optimization
    • 40% Science. 40% Art. 20% Black Magic. Just kidding. SEO is not the right channel for every business, but when it works, you get free clicks from Google.

Your business might benefit from all three, or it might benefit from only one of these channels.

No more guessing games. We work with our clients so they know exactly where to spend their marketing budgets.

Wrapping up

It has never been more important to have the right foundation for your online marketing efforts. These 5 Building Blocks will ensure you are set up for success.

Ready to implement the Building Blocks for your business?

These building blocks have been successful for dozens of businesses just like yours.

Fill in the form below to setup a call with one of our specialists.

Basic Contact Form #13


Father of 3. Enthusiastic reader of books. Moderately proficient braaier of meat.
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