If you are reading this, one of the following most likely applies to you:
- You are considering that we build your website (Sensible.)
- You are considering building your own website, but you need help to make sure you say the rights things to get potential customers to know, like and trust you enough to do business with you (Very wise!)
- Or perhaps you were just browsing around our website (Spying.)
If you are keen to build a powerful website with a clear marketing message that will connect with your potential customers so that they want to do business with you, a Website Wireframe Workshop could prove very valuable.
Below I will walk you through some of the common questions related to our Website Wireframe Workshop service.
Do I even need a Website Wireframe Workshop?
I’ll be honest, the Website Wireframe Workshop is not for everyone.
If your website is the main engine in your marketing machine, and if you are struggling to create a simple and clear marketing message that will get potential clients to know, like and trust you, then the Website Wireframe Workshop is for you.
If you realize the power of using storytelling in marketing, then this will be a great investment in setting up your website in the right way.
Thanks so much Eben for that inspirational session. I see that our designer is already implementing some of the good ideas, and I have had my first enquiry off the website in years !
What does it cost?
Yes, I know. The first thing you want to know is the fee.
The fee for a standard 2.5-hour Website Wireframe Workshop is R5 500 (ex VAT).
This includes:
- a 2.5-hour workshop (in-person)
- a PDF wireframe created after the workshop, and
- 1 x round of revisions to the wireframe
Apart from the actual PDF wireframe, you will also better understand how to think about your website, how to use it to its fullest potential, and will learn more about content marketing, SEO and other forms of digital marketing. The wireframe session will also highlight which other pages your site will need, as well as functionality.
Click here to see how the Website Wireframe workshop fits into our 3-step Website Process
How does it work?
- Once you sign-up and make payment for your workshop:
- You will receive a questionnaire to complete before the workshop.
- Once the worksheet has been completed, and sent back to us, we will schedule a date and time for the workshop
- Before the workshop, we use your worksheet to find examples of websites that are related to your industry
- At the workshop, we will work with you to define your clear marketing message by doing the following:
- Explaining the different storytelling elements and how they should be used
- Show you how your worksheet elements fit into your wireframe
- Work through the example websites and use them for some inspiration
- Refine the words you use and the different sections you require for your website
- After the workshop, we will use the notes from the meeting to create a PDF version of your wireframe.
- You will have one revision round to request changes to the wireframe. If you are not 100% confident that you have nailed it after one revision round, we can do another revision round billed at our Current Hourly Rate.
- You will also be equipped with the tools and mindset to create future wireframes for your website
What do I get from the Website Wireframe Workshop?
Your workshop is done in-person. We bring a large printout(s) of a web page layout with the sections we have found to be critical to include on a website. These website sections are based on a powerful storytelling framework that ensures you have clear message that will show potential clients how you can help them survive and thrive.
What is the Website Wireframe PDF deliverable?
We have found that while the workshop is valuable, our clients prefer a formal document with the actual layout and copy of the website page that was discussed during the session. We will take the large printout(s) with all the note, and will compile it into a neat PDF document that you can give to any designer.
NOTE: This is what we call a low fidelity wireframe. This means we are really creating a layout without any design applied to it. Your designer (you can also choose to work with us to design the website according to the wireframe) will have the exact blueprint of what content needs to go where on your page, and in which order. Your designer will have the freedom to do what they do best, and that is design.
3 Simple steps to a powerful website wireframe
If you are ready to schedule a workshop to clarify your website message:
- Complete the Form
- Schedule your Workshop
- Get your Wireframe