Why we don’t offer SEO packages, and what we do instead

seo packages

Imagine calling up a personal trainer. Let’s call him Gerrie.

You talk for about two minutes, telling Gerrie you need a personal trainer to get you in shape. You explain to Gerrie you just want to lose a few kg’s so that you can start playing a bit of friendly squash with some friends.

You ask him: “Hey Gerrie, so what is the plan, man? How often must I go to the gym?”

Gerrie says: “You come to gym 5 times per week. You run treadmill 20 minutes. You lift heavy weights 60 minutes. You drink lots of water and eat eggs only. You have big muscles.”

You think to yourself: “Sheesh, OK. Sounds a bit rough, but if that helps me lose a few pounds maybe I should just knuckle down and do it.”

The following day your best friend, Piet, calls up Gerrie.

Piet tells Gerrie how he is quite fit already, he runs 3 times a week, and does some mountain biking on the weekends. Piet wants to start building some muscle.

Piet asks him: “Hey Gerrie, so what is the plan, man? How often must I go to the gym?”

Gerrie says: “You come to gym 5 times per week. You run treadmill 20 minutes. You lift heavy weights 60 minutes. You drink lots of water and eat eggs only. You have big muscles.”

The week after a work colleague, Sue, calls up Gerrie, she wants to tone down her mummy tummy after child birth.

Sue asks him: “Hey Gerrie, so what is the plan, man? How often must I go to the gym?”

Gerrie says: “You come to gym 5 times per week. You run treadmill 20 minutes. You lift heavy weights 60 minutes. You drink lots of water and eat eggs only. You have big muscles.”

Do you see what is happening here?

Gerrie has one plan for everyone. Even though they have different goals.

Let’s face it. No two human beings have the same level of fitness and health, plus they have different goals they want to reach.

Much the same, no two websites are the same. And no two businesses have the same goals.

And this is why we do not offer packaged SEO services. Because we can’t possibly know how “fit and healthy” your website is before doing a SEO Audit.

And we can’t possibly guess what your goals are without talking to you first, and better understanding what you want to achieve.

Don’t trust the Gerrie’s

There are PLENTY of SEO providers out there that will offer you SEO packages (R5 000 for 3 keywords, or R6 000 for 5 hours, or any random combination of hours/keywords/articles).

This like telling everyone that they should be doing the exact same thing for their SEO to be successful. Not cool, Gerrie.

How does our SEO process work?

Pretty simple really…

Step 1: SEO Audit.

Step 2: SEO Project to fix issues surfaced by Audit.

Step 3: Ongoing SEO to keep up with, and eventually surpass, your competitors.

So, are you going to trust a Gerrie? Or are you going to the personal trainer that creates a customized plan for your unique situation?

What we do instead of SEO packages?

So, rather than prescribing a one-size-fits-all package, we have what we call Price Guidelines. This serves as an indication of what you can expect to pay for a monthly SEO retainer.

But before we can give you a set monthly retainer fee that makes sense for your business, your website and your industry, we do a comprehensive SEO audit.

This SEO audit ensures that we understand how healthy your website really is. Think of that guy going to private trainer Gerrie. Gerrie needs to measure his BMI, review his fitness goals, create a new meal plan and an exercise plan.

Your SEO Audit is much the same. We check your website’s vital statistics, so that we can create a SEO plan that will drive serious results.


Father of 3. Enthusiastic reader of books. Moderately proficient braaier of meat.
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