How to Set Your Business Up For Online Marketing Success

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You’ve worked so hard.

You’ve done your research, built an appealing business website, and even gone so far as to publish a few ads.

So why aren’t you seeing results?

At this point, it seems like no matter what you do or how hard you try, you just can’t get the number of leads, or sales that you want from your website.

Does this sound like you?

Well, then you’ll want to stick around because today we’ll be showing you the 7 crucial aspects to setting your business up for online marketing success.

Are you ready?

How to set your business up for success this year


Let’s circle back a bit.

If you’ve ever played a game on your mobile phone or computer, you know that all games consist of several levels that’ll eventually get you to your desired destination – victory.

In the same way, online marketing also consists of several levels.

And NO, there are no shortcuts! If you want to succeed in online marketing, you’ll have to start at the bottom level and work your way up.

So what is the bottom level?

It all starts with goal-setting.

If you don’t have clearly defined goals, as well as a plan to achieve your goals, then you’re setting yourself up for failure.

But don’t worry. If you don’t have clear business goals or a plan yet, we’ll help you get to that point.

7 key aspects to include in your goal-setting process:

1) Ask yourself: What do I want my business to achieve most this year?

There is power in focus. That’s why it’s extremely important for you to choose ONE main goal that you want to achieve in 2021.

E.g. I want to get X more sales through my website by making my website rank higher in the search engines.

2 – Setting realistic goals

You’ve established your one goal. That’s great!

But is it realistic?

By setting a realistic, yet challenging goal, you’ll hit the perfect balance, giving you much better chances of succeeding.

Think about it. If you’re currently getting 3 sales from your website per month, your goal can’t be to get 100 sales in the next month. That’s just not realistic.

3 – Do you have a clear path to your goals?

Now that you’ve identified your one realistic goal, it’s time to determine how you’ll achieve it:

  • On which platforms will you advertise?
  • Will you create sales pages?
  • Will you use lead magnets to attract customers?
  • Is your email automation setup correctly?
  • Are you retargeting?
  • Is your message written using an effective framework?

Here, research is extremely important, and no stone should be left unturned. You need to figure out the step by step process that you’ll take to achieve your one goal.

4 -Trimming the fat

Take a moment to think… What’s currently draining your money?

Could you be spending that money somewhere else that’s more effective, such as advertising or web design?

Are you paying for ads without good copy?

By delving deeper into your money spent, you’ll discover what “fat” you can trim to result in better bang for your buck.

5 – Do you have a clear brand message?

Is your brand message losing you customers?

Let’s get real for a moment.

There’s no way that you’d buy a product/service that you don’t fully understand, right?

Your customers feel the exact same way.

If you really want to succeed, you need a clear and consistent brand message. This way your customers and staff will feel more connected to your brand.

6 – Where are the weak points in your customers’ journey?

Identify the weak spots in your customers’ journey, and then think, “How can I improve them?”.

Oftentimes weak spots occur in one of these four places:

  1. Wrong ad platform.
  2. Checkout.
  3. Ease of purchase.
  4. Sales page experience.

7 – Checklist for goal-setting

Aaaaah, the satisfaction of finally getting to cross off an item on your to-do list.

Did you know, studies indicate that having check-lists can make you more productive?

By setting a check-list up for yourself, you’re a lot more likely to succeed.

So there you go. If you follow these 7 aspects, you’ll be able to identify your main goal and plan to achieve it.


If you’re still not sure where to start and which platforms you need to use to achieve your goal, we’ve got your back.

At Click Results, we understand that you want to succeed in online marketing and get more leads/sales from your website.

In order to do that, you need a comprehensive online marketing strategy.

The problem is that you don’t have the time to conduct endless hours of research just to hope that you can come up with a somewhat functional strategy.

We believe that your business has too much potential to be losing customers just because you haven’t identified your correct process, which is why we want to help you create your ideal online marketing strategy that’ll attract clients like clock-work through our Growth Mapping solution.

With Growth Mapping, you get a dedicated workshop session where we’ll help you create your perfect online marketing strategy by:

  1. Identifying your main goal.
  2. Identifying the ideal platforms you should use to achieve your goal.
  3. Identifying the weak points in your customers’ journey (and give you a plan to fix them).
  4. Helping you create a goal-setting checklist that’ll make you more productive while setting you up for online marketing success.

Ready to finally start succeeding online?

Ready to take your online marketing up a notch?
==>> Learn more about Growth Mapping here


Online marketing
is the real deal.

But you can’t expect to jump right in without having a well-thought-out strategy that’ll guide your path.

Having a clear goal and winning strategy enables you to use the correct platforms and tools to achieve better results than ever before.

We’d love to hear what your business goal is for 2021. Let us know in the comments below! Or you can just head over to our contact page and fill in the details and we’ll contact you to schedule a call


Father of 3. Enthusiastic reader of books. Moderately proficient braaier of meat.
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